“Passion,” says Dr. Jeff Welsh. “That’s what we’re looking for in our incoming students. Passion.” We are standing toward the back of one of Mueller College’s...
The flowing mane of white hair, the skinny guy with all the tattoos, and the cowboy hat with two rattlesnake skulls on the brim, howling and...
Normandie Wilson seems to have emerged as a talent, fully formed only recently, but there is a lifetime of experience behind her cocktail jazz pop. Recently...
“We put it out on vinyl.” “Vinyl?” “Yes, vinyl.” “You mean like an LP?” I asked. Believing that the last recording committed to an actual two-sided...
Jazz fans and other music lovers will have an opportunity to celebrate a local music icon on September 9, which has been declared (by Mayor Faulconer)...
When was the last time you heard an album that changed your life in some significant way? Perhaps it was that summer romance when the Beach...
Gilbert Castellos says, “It’s good to see young people really embracing this music.” Typically dressed smart, his wheat green suit fitting him as though he were...
It’s been said before in these pages, but like a great refrain, it needs to be sung once more, with a feeling: music is a form...
Taking his stream of consciousness literally, writer Jack Kerouac composed the first draft of On the Road in just three weeks in April, 1951. With some...