Part Two As Suzanne Shea reflects on that memorable chapter of her life–when she and Peter Varhola had successfully established themselves as a musical duo for...
When John York steps out on the stage he embodies the era that helped to shape and form him as a musician, an artist, and a...
When people think of a singer/songwriter, they ought to think of Michael Tiernan. Gifted with a natural stage presence, his beautiful high tenor is the perfect...
The rich, bold aroma of coffee being brewed and served by a bevy of baristas busy at work behind the counter; the sounds of sweet laughter...
ART: the conscious use of skill and creative imagination acquired by experience, study, or observation. I think that it’s important that people be aware of some...
When I first met Rebecca Stout in Pasadena she was covered in dirt standing between a goat and chicken, and she had a purple ribbon pinned...
You’ll excuse Ralph Towner if he’s not particularly interested in debates over genres and how to define them. The guitarist, who has a solo show this...
On Sunday, February 19, Dizzy’s new location in the Musicians’ Association Bldg., Bay Park, will come alive at the 9th Annual Brasil Jazz Festa, celebrating Brazilian...
Judy Berman Silbert’s voice is filled with enthusiasm. “This is going to be a wonderful cross pollination of art genres,” she says. The San Diego native...