Want the good news or the bad news first? Let’s go with bad….
After 39 years of hosting live local music, the Tiki House in  Pacific Beach will mostly likely close its doors in November due to a rent hike. The 1,100 square foot dive bar was one of the only venues in the neighborhood featuring live music on a regular basis. The last probable night of business will be November 2nd, with a lineup including The Nards, MacAnannys, Deep in the Shed and Psychic Vacuum. Read more on this story here.
And now some good news, music lovers…
January 2014 will mark the Casbah’s 25 year anniversary, and the venue is gearing up to celebrate this huge achievement! In addition to a special edition T-shirt and a special lineup for the month (to be announced November 4), the Casbah will also enjoy the special honor of having a day proclaimed in its name by the city of San Diego! Not too shabby for a little box full of rock! Congrats to Tim Mays and the Casbah crew for keeping local music alive and kicking in San Diego! Read more on this story here.