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July 2024
Vol. 23, No. 10


Chicago Duo Lucrezio to Perform Thursday Night at Lestat’s

March 2013

Catch Chicago-based touring acoustic duo Lucrezio tomorrow night at Lestat’s. The band (consisting of Jennifer Lucrezio on vocals/piano and husband Jordan Burngarner on guitar) will be playing with local acts Mike Bowman and Raelee Nikole. We caught up with Jennifer and Jordan via an email interview to learn a little bit about their music and their journey westward:

Tell us a little bit about your band: Lucrezio carries an alternative, yet acoustic style, intertwining both soulful drive and ambience. The formation of Lucrezio took place when Jennifer moved her small-town, east coat aspirations to Lake Michigan’s bright city lights, and found talented guitarist, Jordan, taking him to be not only her bandmate, but adoring husband. Together they produce a sound that captivates the listening ear, while sharing the depths of their own personal stories.

What brings you to San Diego? Have you played in our city before? After playing regionally nearby Chicago since ’07, this is Lucrezio’s first tour, and so our first time to San Diego.  After a family wedding in Las Vegas, it seemed that driving the remainder of the way to beautiful Cali was an opportunity we couldn’t pass up.

What are 3 albums you can’t live without?
For Jennifer:
The Civil Wars – Barton Hallow
One Republic – Dreaming Out Loud
Mute Math (self-titled)

For Jordan:
U2 – Joshua Tree
Alice in Chains – Dirt
Metallica – Black Album

Where can readers check out your music online? To purchase our full band album, Storybook, folks can head to CD Baby ( or iTunes.  We also have our acoustic project, Storybook Acoustic, available for free at


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