Local Americana duo Podunk Nowhere’s self-titled debut disc in 2007 featured intriguing, primarily acoustic music, showcasing Heather Marie Janiga’s powerful vocals in stark arrangements with husband...
Trails & Rails’ new CD reminds me of what happens at the end a long trail ride. After driving cattle to the rail head and stockyard...
Gregory Page has such an extensive discography, the question often arises, where does one start? The answer: start here. Anyone who has followed Page’s career, knows...
Like probably every other city these days, San Diego is fortunate to have a healthy singer-songwriter circuit. Anyone who has spent any time checking out shows,...
Music aimed at children always presents the problem that if it is something young kids will listen to, it will often drive their parents up the...
Last spring, the Northstar Session released an excellent EP, Winter Collection. Transplanted from San Diego to LA, the trio showed us surprising versatility — playing good,...
From Vancouver, the Town Pants have established themselves as Celtish rockers who sing a mix of traditionally influenced tavern songs and occasional soft folk ballads. They...
A big reason the guitar is so popular is because of the wide variety of voices it has. From quiet, nylon-stringed classicals to electric power axes,...
Ah, San Diego. We love you for your lackadaisical sunshiny ways, and we loathe you for your inability to recognize, claim, and retain true artistic genius...