Americans are renowned for having a sweet tooth. And for a certain portion of the population, an audio confection known as “ear candy” also provides an...
It’s California country, with a healthy portion of energy that comes from playing punk rock. Describing his self-named alternative-country band, Graham Nancarrow doesn’t hesitate to cite...
When you first meet Nathan James, you know immediately that he’s a Southern California boy. Born and raised in Fallbrook, a sleepy avocado-growing community in North...
Is that a 12-foot-tall mechanical giraffe? Is that a 10-foot by 8-foot mural being created on the corner of Bancroft Street? Is that a cosplay outfit?...
Julian is an hour from San Diego but worlds apart in the pace of life and beauty of surroundings. This 1870s-era gold rush town comes alive...
On Saturday, June 20th Robb Bower Presents will bring its 17th year of great live blues back to the beautiful 100-year-old Menghini Winery in Julian, California....
The successful musician today is often the person who can create gigs instead of competing with hundreds of others for the established ones. The creative thinker...
Passion: [noun] A powerful emotion, such as love, joy, hatred, or anger. Ardent love. Strong sexual desire; lust. Q: What motivates you to do the things...
Stu Hamm Musicians looking to stretch their talents, possibly learn a few new tricks and mingle with like minded folks won’t want to miss Guitar Workshop...