Once upon a time… Everyone remembers the magic of a bedtime story, when tales of princesses and witches transported you from your bedroom to a land...
All Hands on Deck My now-adult son has vivid memories of his fourth-grade overnight aboard the Star of India. He was assigned galley duty, which involved...
To think that the opening night party will be launched at a restaurant called Bali Hai. How absolutely appropriate. This year’s Tiki Oasis celebration–where the adjectives...
The King of Vinyl has died. Lou Curtiss, founder and owner of San Diego’s Folk Arts Rare Records for 47 years, and founder of the San...
Mike Head sits in his Cabeza Records music studio in San Carlos, discussing his band, the Country Rockin’ Rebels. “We’re not re-inventing the wheel here,” he...
Steve Denyes’ biggest fans are small. Probably the smallest folks around. They are preschoolers, kindergarteners, and lots of other people with baby teeth and scraped knees....
“He woke me up early this mornin’. And I was clothed in my right mind. And the blood was still runnin’ warm in my veins. Yet...
It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since Jeffrey Joe passed away. However, the spirit of the man who radiated love and music and...
It seems music is like the earth, the land, the highways… all joined together, connected and flowing like its own river of love. –Anonymous On the...