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Bluegrass Corner


by Dwight WordenDecember 2014

I spent time in Nashville last month helping run the 8th annual ResoSummit, the premier dobro school run by Rob Ickes and Betty Wheeler. Each year 100 students from across the U.S. and around the world (this year included students from Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, France, and Canada) and 15 faculty comprising the best players in the world convene in Nashville at the Scarrett Bennett Center for three-and-a-half days of intense “dobrology.” This year’s faculty had a strong bluegrass presence, including Rob Ickes of Blue Highway (and 15-time IBMA Dobro Player of the Year), Andy Hall of the Infamous Stringdusters, Michael Witcher of the Peter Rowan Band, Greg Booth of the Kathy Kallick Band, along with Jimmy Heffernan, Stacy Philips, Billie Cardine, Josh Swift (Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver), and Randy Kohrs.

Classes were held during the day and each evening ResoSummitt took over the world-famous Station Inn to present one of its faculty in concert with his or her band. The first night saw Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver with faculty member Josh Swift. The second night presented the Kathy Kallick Band with faculty member Greg Booth; and the final night featured ResoSummitt founder Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley with support from Mike Bubb on bass, Aubrey Haney on fiddle, and John Alvey on percussion. The combination of inspirational concerts in the evenings, featuring faculty members coupled with top-notch instruction during the day make attendance at ResoSummit a “must do” for any serious dobro player. However, be aware, registration is limited to 100 students. Registration usually opens in February and typically sells out in less than two hours! Learn more at:

November also brought us the annual SDBS St. Mark’s United Methodist Church Bluegrass Concert. Held on Sunday, November 16, this year’s event featured two great bands: the Swept Wing Chicken Thieves led by John Deckard and the North County band High Mountain Road. KSON “Bluegrass Special”’s DJ Wayne Rice was MC for the evening with music focused on Bluegrass Music of the Masters.

Coming up in San Diego we have Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley who will appear at the Powerhouse in Del Mar on Saturday, December 13 at 7:30pm. This is one powerful duo you won’t want to miss. For tickets and info visit:

Coming up January 9-12 is the Great 48-Hour Jam in Bakersfield sponsored by the California Bluegrass Association. This year’s event features Michael Cleveland and Flamekeeper, band scrambles, showcase bands, and more jamming than you can shake a stick at! The event is held at the Doubletree hotel in Bakersfield, only about three hours from San Diego, traffic permitting, and very reasonable rates are available to attendees. SDBS will be there hosting a suite staffed by Jim Blakemore and friends, so be sure to stop by. Read more and sign up at: cba_news.asp?newsid=9631.

To get you in the holiday spirit SDBS is presenting a special holiday program at its November 25th 4th Tuesday event held at the Boll Weevil Restaurant at 9330 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. (corner of Ruffin Road). Hosted by Wayne Rice, there will be Christmas music and sing alongs in addition to a featured band in concert, Next Generation. The action starts at 6:30pm, with Next Generation taking the stage from 8-9 pm. Admission is free, with donations suggested.

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