Hello Troubadourians! Back in July I shared a brief treatise on tube amplifiers. I also mentioned that I would talk about non-tube amps in a later...
What’s that spinning voodoo I hear? Is that whirling, swirling sound the tidy bowl man’s last hurrah? Perhaps my stomach is informing my brain that two...
It is 4 p.m.Tuesday in 1970 and I am running as fast as I possibly can. Despite the bows on my PF Flyer tennis shoes being...
I was spending my second summer in Mississippi with the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), teaching in a Freedom School in Jackson. That was the summer...
Hello Troubadourians! I like to experiment with my guitars. Usually that just means trying different things in my playing or more often, performing micro adjustments that...
San Diego is blessed to have one of the premier bluegrass festivals on the West Coast right here in our back yard. The Summergrass Festival, held...
Hello Troubadourians! At the end of the June column I wrote; “Tube amps can do this disappearing act, too. One minute you’re digging that fat tone...
Frank Zappa famously said, “Talking about music is like dancing about architecture.” And I must admit that I do agree, at least to a certain extent....
Saturday, July 5 brings us Bluegrass Day at the Fair at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Sponsored by the San Diego Bluegrass Society and the North San...