“I say this to the world: The Beatles did what they did, the rest of us played the blues.” – George Thorogood There’s nothing more American...
Sound. Paint. Same stuff with the exception that each are perceived by a different physical means. Eyes. ears. What they have in common are line, shape,...
Over the course of the recent spring months, local musicians Dave Humphries and Jim Hinton have been hitting the coffee house circuit, swapping songs and exchanging...
There are only a few, I believe, ‘prerequisites’ for being an open mic host, and none of them are what you would immediately imagine: tenacity, stamina,...
The walls of Martin Grusin’s Del Mar home are crowded with mementos. Photographs of family and entertainers, many of them autographed, hang next to certificates or...
Her Kentucky mountain ballad voice stilled by a major stroke last December, Jean Ritchie is no longer able to communicate. But her inestimable recorded legacy of...
Writing is about a blank piece of paper and leaving out what’s not supposed to be there. There were many great days and many not so...
Both as a musician and in a background capacity, it’s safe to say that over the past 20 years, Mario Escovedo has been one of the...
The menu for an Italian meal must be the making of a take-no-prisoners, true believer gastronome. Wine flows abundantly, while course after course lands on your...