And on the seventh day, God rested…for a while. Then He created the guitar, and saw that it was good. And the ends of the earth...
In 1998, renowned singer-songwriter, John Hiatt, went into the studio with The Band to record his song “Bound by Love.” The song would appear on The...
On the silver screen during the ’60s, audiences were captivated by the suave persona of Sean Connery as 007, the cynicism of Michael Caine as Harry...
Make sure that there’s a Dixie moon, New Orleans, I’ll be there. . .me and you, Sam Jones and all. —Tom Waits, “I Wish I Was...
It’s a warm summer’s day at the San Diego Zoo. People stroll, perhaps not as gracefully as the pink flamingos that greet visitors at the entrance,...
Political comedy in song is a rare thing. While there is an overload of political satirists, especially among stand-up comedians, it’s hard to find talented singer-songwriters...
Ray Wylie Hubbard’s new album, The Grifter’s Hymnal, is like a church service held at the funkiest roadhouse bar this side of the Mississippi. He is...
There’s a cliche about famous deaths always coming in a group of three. One of the more recent trios of musician-related deaths caused many readers to...
Historically, the accordion is a kind of musical punch line. It symbolizes everything that is cheesy and corny for nearly a century — from your great...