Brazil is roughly the same size, geographically, as the continental United States, with a little more than half of our own population. And yet that Portuguese-speaking...
Give the credit to the band Those Darn Accordions. It was a late-1990s concert by that eclectic Bay Area squeezebox combo that drew North County resident...
Few instruments inspire the feeling of freedom the way the guitar always has. They can’t offer the versatility of an expressive voice you can carry around,...
On stage, Jamie Drake brings to a conclusion a heart-felt ballad, one of her own. And before the echoes of her clear soprano voice finish resounding...
How do four folk musicians keep a hundred kids’ attention for 40 minutes? With today’s youngsters, born and raised on flashy multimedia, the answer is not...
From the Archives Back in the early days of the Troubadour, around 2001-2002, we had a writer whose columns I would always look forward to. His...
On Friday, January 19, Johnny Ciccolella woke up for the last time. That morning he suffered a stroke that was catastrophic. Very suddenly, I was among...
I see nothing on the Horizon I see nothing from where I came I have nothing but the planks I lie on While my minds floating...
Say the name, and the action is clear: Xerox, to copy; Google, to search; Maverick, to go it alone. The latter (the refined term is eponym)...