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CD Reviews

M.E. LAW: Laughing My AO

by Frank KocherAugust 2016
me law

M. E. Law is a Canadian singer/songwriter (see last month’s profile) who is building a strong local following. Her superb 2014 album, Peace, Love, Death, and Chocolate showed her unique sound–songs that are sophisticated musically, with high and floating, lilting vocals. The thing with Law is the lyrics, and these are wickedly clever and humorous observations of modern society and pop culture.

Law is back with Laughing My AO, more of the same and presented as a comedy EP. Nick Blagona’s production is slick and pro all the way. “LMAO” starts off with a breezy, light as a feather melody, but the words are about “OMG such hilarity, I’m LMAO/LOL world’s gone to hell, I’m LMAO/GMO got me feeling low, but I’m LMAO.” The next tune, “Validation Junkie” turns Law’s focus inward, and it is hilarious. To a brisk, minor chord groove, she admits to the need for praise and approval, tying her self-esteem to the approval of others, “Please love everything I do…Don’t tell me if you hate this song.” It rings true on a number of levels, and not just for Law.

She scores again with “Twelve Steppin’ Out,” a country shuffle with lyrics about booze, drugs, and how her baby is her new fix. The last two tracks are bonus tracks, and the closer “Pale Blue Sky (Sister Moon)” isn’t a comedy tune but is a lovely piece of straight up pop-folk, beautifully song by Law.

M. E. Law’s Laughing My AO is a great listen, from an artist who needs to be heard.

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