In the early 1900s, George Bernard Shaw penned the phrase, “Those who can, do; those who cannot, teach.” Decades later Woody Allen attached onto the now...
Last year on September 24, I jumped on a journey that would take me and my music around the world for six months. From my concert...
“Hi everybody, welcome to San Diego Sessions, I’m Sue Palmer.” And with those words on Sunday, January 27, 2013, local piano legend Sue Palmer began her...
“I love playing in this orchestra,” says Kara Ballester as she cradles her mandolin in her arms. “It’s a lot more interesting to play in a...
Mike Craig was no different than many of his boomer generation counterparts who took up bass during the pop music English invasion in the mid-sixties, an...
“For me, music is life.” Says Nancy Mestyanek. She gives a slight smile and glances over at Harry, her husband and bandmate in Folding Mr. Lincoln....
Hot Rod Harris was one of those rare souls in life who made everyone feel welcome, no matter how disparate a crowd he was in. Part...
As you drive west on Southern California’s Interstate 8 you get to take in some pretty incredible scenery along the way… a kaleidoscope of shimmering earth...
“I’m very satisfied when I sing, because I know it makes a difference.” Those are the words of Lisa Sanders, songwriter, vocalist, and musician. I had...