Hello Troubadourians! January. Time for New Year’s resolutions. Or not. I’m not one for artificial and external “reasons” for making changes. I am of the opinion...
Catching Up with Colin Clyne One of the biggest success stories to emerge from San Diego’s singer-songwriter scene over the past decade? Colin Clyne. Though originally...
Hello Troubadourians! While this column will appear in December, I’m writing it in early November. So what with Thanksgiving coming up soon, before I continue with...
Things seemed almost stabile. Like a storm that blows, bullies, and blusters, then suddenly subsides, I was cautiously hopeful. Before the band (22 Kings) showed up...
I first heard about Roscoe Holcomb sometime in the early 1950s when the Sign of the Sun Bookstore in San Diego ran a series of films...
Once a year, usually in October, the bluegrass world gathers in Raleigh, North Carolina for the annual International Bluegrass Music Association’s World of Bluegrass Conference. There...
My radio show (JAZZ ROOTS, KSDS 88.3 FM, Sunday nights from 8 pm to 10pm) will go into repeat mode for the month of November and...
Hello Troubadourians! How many of you use effects pedals with your instruments? One of the first columns I wrote for the Troubadour was about effects pedals....
Words are powerful things. I sometimes believe them to be the most traitorous of conspirators. Take last issue, for instance, wherein I wrote the following with...