Hello Troubadourians! If you play long enough and have been fortunate enough to have played and recorded with enough people, it is likely there will come...
I stand behind every gig! I say it on stage sometimes. Like most things I do on stage, I started saying it at Java Joe’s. Some...
Over the last several issues, we’ve devoted a lot of attention to the recording, mixing, and mastering of your next music release and rightfully so. Now...
Dear Music Goer: First, thank you. Anyone who is willing to leave the comfort of their home—where all the world’s listening and viewing options are available...
No, seriously. I have nightmares about being late. I make lists and do google earth searches and plan routes and do all the things necessary so...
If bluegrass music is changing, are the changes good or bad? These are profoundly important questions. Let’s see if we can answer them. The changing face...
Hello Troubadourians! Last month was the second installment about giving guitar lessons to a friend from work and, more significantly, teaching him how to be a...
I’m a lucky guy! When I’m home, I spend my days producing amazing, original music from powerfully magical, bad ass musicians and songwriters! I spend my...
This time out: We chat with Chris Difford of legendary British combo Squeeze, take a listen to the latest album from the Zombies, and check out...