No doubt about it, the world continues to change. Our means of communication, our technology, our understanding of science, medicine, natural systems, and more. Even the...
In this month’s column I will take a look at the culture of jokes that pervades the bluegrass music scene. Partly to understand the humor aspect...
There are great opportunities to hear bluegrass music coming up. SIDELINE. On November 9th the San Diego Bluegrass Society (SDBS) will present Sideline in concert at...
Another great Summergrass has concluded and been filed away in the memory banks. Held over the weekend of August 17-19, the weather was warm, with cool...
San Diegans have two outstanding opportunities to enjoy top quality live bluegrass music this month: Summergrass. Friday, August 17 through Sunday, August 19 brings the annual...
Great weather, great music, great times. The San Diego Bluegrass Society (SDBS) and the North San Diego County Bluegrass and Folk Club (NCBFC) have been presenting...
As summer approaches we look forward to great bluegrass music during the traditional festival season. Bluegrass music is very popular–with estimates in the 20 million range...
In the last issue I addressed my thoughts on why bluegrass music is so popular in spite of the fact it is rarely found on commercial...
Southern California brings bright, crisp bluebird days this time of year–perfect for enjoying great bluegrass. Here are three good opportunities: Julian Family Fiddle Camp. Held at...