Hello Troubadourians! I recently started giving guitar lessons to a friend from work. I usually don’t give private lessons—for various reasons—and certainly not to people I...
Hello Troubadourians! I am a member of a demographic that has a prestigious and sometimes derided position in the world. I’m a Boomer and we seem...
Hello Troubadourians! I was at rehearsal the other night. We had finished and were talking about how we had played, things to work on for the...
Hello Troubadourians! I may have written about this before, but it has been on my mind of late so hopefully this take will be different enough...
Hello Troubadourians! As I write this column it is end of January and, normally, I would have just returned from attending the NAMM Show in Anaheim....
Hello Troubadourians! Last month I wrote about transposition but there are a few more things I want to talk about, specifically some of the idiosyncrasies of...
Hello Troubadourians! I’ve written about transposing songs and music a couple of times in recent columns, and it came up again just a few days ago...
Hello Troubadourians! It is late October as I write this column… there are so many things on my mind it is difficult to focus. A couple...
Hello Troubadourians! How do you approach learning a new song? With practically everything now available on YouTube, as either the official version of the song or...