It’s time to get down those fiddles, rosin up the bows, and break out the accordions because Gator by the Bay returns to Spanish Landing this...
Before Andy Warhol argued otherwise, most western scholars viewed art as an anti-commodity. This thinking grew out of the industrial revolution, capitalism, and the idea that...
On May 10 at 7pm, Vision is hosting a very special evening with world-renowned jazz guitarist Peter Sprague and his vocalist partner, Leonard Patton. Mr. Sprague...
Last Thursday Levon Helm lost his long fought battle with throat cancer. The news came quickly with a disappointed, sometimes subdued surprise from many fans and...
“I’ve been very busy,” says Rob Thorsen. Java and muffin sitting in front of him at an outdoor table at La Jolla’s Pannikin on a lazy...
Americana music is about connection. It’s about how the past shapes the present and often gives us gifts along the way that helps with the journey...
“If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” attr. George Berkeley, Philosopher This classic...
What began as a challenge between a father and his son has morphed into the musical highlight of San Diego spring season. The 13th Annual Spring...
If you are reading this the old-fashioned way, i.e., grasping the corners of thinly flattened leaves of paper pulp while your thumbs and forefingers stain with...