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July 2024
Vol. 23, No. 10


Nothing to see. Hear!

by Cathryn BeeksApril 2024

Hi! I don’t have much to say this month except that well, I love you! I’m glad you’re here and interested enough to click on my column. I hope to have a more interesting read next month, but I’m currently in the middle of recording 12 of my songs with Jeff Berkley and the Banned is performing them (holy wow!) which is giving me days of enjoyment while I shirk all of my other duties. So, I present you this month’s Listen Local show, last month’s SDMA nominee preview podcast (10+ hours of award nominated music!) and a poster of places I’ll be performing, hosting and hanging out. I hope to share space with you soon! Thank you for your patience, interest and support! xo Cathryn


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