Another Great Summergrass Festival Graces San Diego with Top-Notch Bluegrass by Dwight WordenSeptember 2024
The SDBS Board BAnd opens the concert for Special Consensus. Photo by David Cupp.
Greg Cahill. PHoto by David Cupp.
Great Bluegrass Concert in San Diego. The San Diego Bluegrass Society, one of San Diego’s local bluegrass music nonprofits, presented Chicago’s Special Consensus in concert on Friday, January 19. The event was held at the La Jolla Christian Fellowship Church and was very well attended, with more than 200 in the audience. Admission was free, with good will offerings collected for the band.
An opening presentation was made by the SDBS Board Band, featuring gospel bluegrass tunes. The crowd reaction was supportive and appreciative, and some fine music was heard. After this short 30-minute opening, the main act—Special Consensus—took the stage. Their collection of hard driving traditional bluegrass music was an instant success with a foot tapping crowd. They played tunes from many of their 22 albums released over their 40-year history.
Many different players have passed through Special C over the years, but the one constant has been band leader and banjo player extraordinaire, Greg Cahill. Greg has served on the International Bluegrass Music Association (IBMA) Board of Directors, and as its chair, he and his bandmates have a history of public contributions to bluegrass in the schools and in support of the bluegrass community.
Laurie Lewis and the Right Hands coming to Del Mar. Laurie Lewis and her band The Right Hands are coming to the Del Mar Town Hall, presented by the Del Mar Foundation, on Friday, February 2. From the Foundation website:
“Her voice is a rare combination of grit and grace, strength and delicacy. Her stories always ring true.” —Linda Ronstadt
Laurie Lewis and the Right Hands
For nearly four decades, Laurie Lewis has gathered fans and honors for her powerful and emotive voice and her versatile, dynamic songwriting. She is a sought-after recording producer and an equally skilled teacher and mentor—as well as an inspiration and a groundbreaker across genres, across geography and across gender barriers.
Laurie has twice been named Female Vocalist of the Year by the International Bluegrass Music Association. She also won Song of the Year for her rendition of the now-standard “Who Will Watch the Home Place?” She has collaborated on numerous other award-winning recordings.
For tickets and info:
Summergrass. Summergrass, the West Coast’s premier bluegrass festival is coming again this year on August 16-18 at the Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum in Vista. Visit for tickets info.
Bluegrass Day at the Fair. This popular event is returning July 6, 2024 to the Del Mar Fairgrounds from noon to 5 pm on the Paddock Stage. We’ll update you with details as the event gets closer.
The Troubadour looks forward to a bluegrass music filled spring and we hope you find a chance to get out and do some picking and to attend a jam session or concert.