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Smoke Signals

New Year’s Day

by Jeff BerkleyJanuary 2025

Well, you made it through the holidays without dying or killing anyone! Way to go!!!

Lately I’ve been thankful for every January first I get to see. Life is about moving forward. Like my friend Terry Clause says, “Always better to be seen than viewed!”

These milestones, like the first of the year, are signposts. They provide context. They show us how far we’ve come and remind us to plan a bit better for the next one.

Each round of the sun holds a promise and a warning. You can almost hear time whispering in the wind… “Carpe Diem” … which means “seize……the…” I’m pretty sure.

It really means to live each moment to its fullest. We need a reminder of that every year or so. Don’t believe me? Well, let me ask you. What are you doing right now?

That’s just a joke but… you get it. Life ain’t gonna come to you!!!! Go get it with an open heart, mind, and eyes!!

Sounds easy right? It’s not. It’s a frame of mind. A filter to see things through. A trained behavior. Just fake it ‘til you make it.

Live each day to the fullest That may be unrealistic but trying isn’t. I need this lesson more than anyone I know.

The calendar is a human construct and has very little to do with our own physical timeline. The masters have argued over centuries about what time is and how we relate to it. Some even wonder if it’s even real!

The way I see it is that January first is just a day! January isn’t real. Every day is New Year’s Day; every day can be a fresh start with a positive resolution to live and do better at, well, everything.

Happy new year!

Love Jeff

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