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Holiday Party and Fundraiser 2019

Now in our 19th year, the San Diego Troubadour has been providing an alternative voice to the local music scene by bringing together players, writers, and music lovers of alt country, Americana, roots, folk, bluegrass, blues, gospel, and jazz music–every month and free of charge.

We love what we do but we need your help to keep this effort going. Each December we ask that you–our loyal readers and friends–make a financial contribution to help keep us going… money is tight for everybody and it is becoming more and more difficult to keep up with expenses for a print publication like this one. You can donate by clicking the link below or you can make a donation at the door when you join us at the party.

I would especially like to thank our writers, photographers, designers,  volunteers, and delivery helpers for making us a quality enterprise.

Poster for Troubadour Party
