Women in Jazz and Blues: Lou Ann Barton • International Sweethearts of Rhythm • Jerrie Thill by Sue PalmerMarch 2025
Hi Friends! January’s Listen Local Show is a good’n with the fabulous and fun Rhea Makiaris guest hosting. I LOVE having a guest host and vow to have one every month in the the new year. It allows me to be unscripted and add an element of an artist interview along with sharing the songs and messages sent in by music makers from San Diego and beyond. Thanks to my subscribers for allowing me to continue hosting this show, now in it’s 21st year. If you’d like to help keep the show on the road, er computer, you too can subscribe for as little as $2 a month at www.Patreon.com/listenlocalradio and MUSIC MAKERS: don’t forget to submit your song and message for next month’s show! You can find all the details about how to submit at www.ListenLocalRadio.com/submitsongs
It all started as sober “drunk talk” during a concert in September that Sande Lollis was hosting at the San Carlos Community Gardens where Micah was talking to me about going on tour and Sande overheard us and said “I wanna go, too” and so that moment sparked this reality that we’ve been planning since that day. It’s the first time I’ve been on tour since a busking trip I took with a friend while living in Cleveland in 1999 and it was so fun to book with Sande and Micah also working to book dates, the three of us turned out to be a great team! Let’s just hope that comradery continues once they realize the extent of my snoring. lol Anyway, here is our tour poster with places we’ll be and if you visit this page you’ll find specifics details about the show. And, I’ll be sharing some behind the scenes fun in real time with my Patreon fam as I gather footage for the documentary I’ll edit in February which will give viewers an idea of what it takes to embark on an independent music tour. The fun, the finances, the full on experience. Stay tuned! The only other thing I have on the books for January is THE GAME which will be held at Andy Machin’s recording studio BIG ROCK in Escondido but that event is at capacity. If you wanna be added to the waiting list just give me a holler and if anyone cancels I’ll rotate you in!
So, since I’ll be sending strangers to my website while I’m on tour, I updated it and you can check it out here. If you try and enter on your PC it might give you an alert since it’s not “SECURE” b/c that shit is expensive BUT trust me that it’s safe to enter and if you visit on your phone you should get in w/o any alarms. 🙂 I updated it with a little year in review along with some things I’m excited about in the new year so I’ll leave you with it here:
“Hey pals, thanks for stopping by. 2024 was quite a year. Jonny and I found a forever perch for our Eagle on top of Starlight Mountain in Ramona but we lost our sweet Chewch just a few weeks before moving. We assisted mom in selling our beloved Hart Acres home where we had built our retreat center dream in the high desert but helped her moved into my brother’s where she is extremely happy. I released my 13th album THE AFTER TIMES, was honored to be the cover of the San Diego Troubadour magazine and was inducted into the San Diego Music Hall of Fame. On June 14th I stopped drinking and smoking my favorite herb which miraculously stopped my panic attacks and anxiety. My band The Ordeal geared up to play again and Calamity continued rocking in the free world. Grateful for and humbled by all of it.
On the first day of 2025 I’m going on a 2 week tour with 2 of my favorite songwriter pals. I joined the board of The Art Center Ramona and I’ll be helping to direct a friend’s Folk Opera musical called Hop On Board. I’ll be reopening The Green Room thrift store introducing my new line of upcycled clothing called 1/2 Fast Fashion and I’ll continue to make music videos for my personal catalog of music while I help others with their music videos and photo needs. The song circles will start up again in Spring and I’ll continue to enjoy this beautiful community of music makers, artists and sweet people in Ramona. Creating art, music, and sharing inspiring people, places and things with my Patreon family will help me as I endeavor to endure the world’s resistance to all inclusive peace, love, and progress. My wish is that our beautiful mother earth and ALL of her beings survive as we struggle to evolve. With love and hope in my heart I say to all, “Happy New Year”. xo