At the heart of the Six String Society lies Kenneth Rexrode, a visionary and storyteller with a message that music speaks to our deepest human experiences. Echoes from the first...
This is the second of a two-part series, exploring the history of California country rock. In Part One, its link to the Bakersfield country tradition was...
Paul Colegrove Kamanski II, beloved husband, father, brother, friend, and songwriter, said goodbye to his family on October 5 and went fearlessly into that unknown perfect...
The Gourmet Blues Concert Series has set the table for its second season at Humphreys Backstage Live on the San Diego Bay. This veritable “buffet of...
Cindy Lee Berryhill career is built on a winsome contradiction: She is a joyful exponent of the punk aesthetic that talent doesn’t matter as much as...
This is part one of a two-part series, chronicling the birth and legacy of California country rock. Because the roots of this genre of country music...
How three incompetents tried to change San Diego’s music scene, and the one idea worth saving from that fiasco. Twice, San Diego attempted to limit entertainment...
Always a Swingin’ Time Zzymzzy Quartet, the popular Gypsy Jazz/Swing outfit, celebrate their 20th anniversary as a group this month, with plans for festivities at Lou...
Drummer Tony Econom is back in San Diego County, a place where he has roots, where he spent part of his childhood. But that pull is...