<div class=”story-images”> Hi! My name is Jeff Berkley. I’m from San Diego, California. I am a musician, songwriter, engineer, and producer. I spend four or five...
I’ve never experienced a writer’s block quite like motherhood. Sure, I’ve written and released a few songs since River’s arrival, but the output is dismal in...
Okay, let’s get to it. My father had lung cancer. He lived in Florida, where medical care is…shall we gently say… inconsistent. After a complicated operation...
Songs have a way of making memories. Even long after the event has passed, a memory can re-surface and remind us of the song that was...
Hello Troubadourians! A couple of months ago I was sick with some “thing” that was going around. I had a persistent cough, and I lost my...
Hi! I don’t have much to say this month except that well, I love you! I’m glad you’re here and interested enough to click on my...
Hello Troubadourians! Is music a hearing art or a listening art? Or is it both? And how does the answer apply to musicians? We can hear...
So far, this column has been all about the magical and auspicious elements that come together to create musical moments and experiences, but what happens when...
Let’s get morbid together, shall we? Hopefully this is not the first you are hearing about this, but: one day you will die. Actuarily speaking, that...