CLIFFHANGER!! 48 hours from the time Ed and I stood watching our pet recording project metaphorically careening down a darkened alley, Bill Ray had emerged from...
Banned Books Week is October 1-7. 2023 Banned Books Week was launched in the U.S., in 1982, in response to a sudden surge in the number...
Music is a time art. The same way that painters, sculptors, and architects “adorn” space, musicians decorate time. You may have heard the saying, “It’s the...
Happy almost-fall, y’all! Growing up in a small farm town, the transition from summer to autumn has always been my favorite time of year. Sure, the...
There are many references to why the blues feels so good. Sad songs can say things that are deep and poignant with a feeling of ease....
As I head into my 20th year captaining “Listen Local”, I had planned on writing a wonderful retrospective of the past few decades but as I...
In this space I’ll be sharing some ideas and perspectives that I hope will be useful for you. Some of these ideas have been shaped by...
I was going to write a piece about pie and compare it to songwriting…which may very well be a cute and witty column for the future....
For years, I’ve left for tours, both large and small, the night before I had to. I like to get out of SoCal at night while...