I come from a long line of junkers. My grampa would spend hours in thrift stores and then fill his garage full of the treasures he...
Whiskey and Burlap at Listen Local’s AnomaR song circle – photo by Tim Connelly Whether you call it a Jam, a Guitar Pull or a Song...
It was a long time ago so these memories are fuzzy and may not be 100% accurate but sometime around 2003 I was invited over to...
In 2005 Tim Flack of Idynomite Media asked me to host his local music podcast. It’s the first time I’d ever heard that word “podcast” (still...
So, did I tell you that Jonny and I moved to Ramona? It’s a place I’ve longed to live. I love its rural, small town vibe,...
Listen Local by Cathryn Beeks April 2023 Once upon a time I moved to San Diego. It was November of 1999 and I fell in love...