Hi! I don’t have much to say this month except that well, I love you! I’m glad you’re here and interested enough to click on my...
Listen Local Lounge at Berkley Sound, my podcast interview series with Jeff Berkley, kicked off in 2011 at Jeff’s Studio in Clairemont. To say we had...
The Acoustic Alliance, San Diego’s finest “in the round” showcase, is back baby. Started in 2004, this multi-set songwriters showcase features 3 sets of 4 performers...
Hi pals. I truly wish this was a fun, engaging, informative article about calling in sick (and how I wish more people would when they’re not...
The White Elephant Gift Exchange is my favorite part of the holidays. I played for the first time in the 80’s during a holiday luncheon when...
No, seriously. I have nightmares about being late. I make lists and do google earth searches and plan routes and do all the things necessary so...
As I head into my 20th year captaining “Listen Local”, I had planned on writing a wonderful retrospective of the past few decades but as I...
I come from a long line of junkers. My grampa would spend hours in thrift stores and then fill his garage full of the treasures he...
Whiskey and Burlap at Listen Local’s AnomaR song circle – photo by Tim Connelly Whether you call it a Jam, a Guitar Pull or a Song...