Hello Troubadourians! January 23–24 found me at the NAMM show in Anaheim for the first time in five years. I was scheduled to attend on the 25th as well but...
Hello Troubadourians! Do you ever wonder, “What if I couldn’t play anymore?” Or “What if I had to significantly change the way I play?” Those thoughts...
Hello Troubadourians! The start of a new year… what does that mean to you? Excitement, anticipation, and hope? A continuation of “the same old…” or something...
Hello Troubadourians! I’m writing this column before Thanksgiving for you to read in December. So, I’m going to take some timing liberties and offer some thanks....
Hello Troubadourians! When I was learning to play the guitar, the music I listened to was either instrumental guitar music such as Chet Atkins and Barney...
Hello Troubadourians! In previous columns I’ve written about playing baritone guitars in addition to my regular guitars. This time I’d like to go a little lower…...
Hello Troubadourians! This column will cover a lot of individual topics, but they all relate to each other and to being prepared for “things to happen….”...
Hello Troubadourians! It’s good to be back! I took July off from this column because sometimes the “real world” just won’t go away. I missed you...
Hello Troubadourians! In a recent column I wrote about having written a new song. It was the first one I’d written in many years and the...