BERT TURETZSKY & CHUCK PERRIN: Bass & Word: Song of the Roots

Chuck Perrin gained some notoriety as a singer/songwriter, performing as a duo with his sister in the late sixties and early seventies. He is the one-man dynamo who has steadfastly run Dizzy’s, one of San Diego’s premier music showcases no matter where in the city it might be found. As a musician and songwriter, he has produced several well-received disks in the last few years. Bert Turetzky has left a great musical legacy, bringing his instrument, the often-overlooked (and sometimes maligned) double bass, to the fore of the concert hall. A great innovator and educator, he is personally responsible for increasing the repertoire for the instrument by hundreds of compositions. He is also the first person to perform with the bass as a solo, unaccompanied instrument. Decades ago Turetzky paired the bass with spoken word and poetry. It was a great success. Timbreous and expressive, strong yet not overpowering, the … Continue reading BERT TURETZSKY & CHUCK PERRIN: Bass & Word: Song of the Roots