
September Cover Story Preview pt. 2: Jeff Berkley

August 2014

Continuing on with our preview of next month’s cover story on Jeff Berkley, here are a few quotes that didn’t make it into the final article. Feel free to add your own thoughts in the comments below, and don’t forget to check out next month’s issue!

“One of my favorite things about Jeff is how he pushes you to be your best. He does this by believing in you more than you believe in yourself, much like a professional baseball coach. He refuses to accept anything less than what he intuitively knows you can achieve. I have seen Berkules perform live countless times and somehow he brings something unique to every performance. My theory is that watching someone channel the gods of music the way Jeff does always feels like newborn musical joy.”
Marcia Claire

“Jeff Berkley is an amazing guitarist. He has his own unique sound and I happen to love it. His leads are super melodic and cut through whenever he plays a solo. He’s also got a wicked sense of humor. His voice? Fuggetaboutit! Off the charts smooth and cool. Oh- and did I mention that he’s a stellar producer? Well, he is and I’m lucky to count him as a friend and I love him.”
Steve Poltz

“Jeff Berkley. My duo partner Heather and I met him in 1999 when we were waiting for our name to be called at the Twiggs open mic that he was hosting. We were on a busking car tour of the US by way of Cleveland and San Diego hadn’t been very welcoming to us the previous few days. We were a bit disappointed with the whole music vibe here and were outside having a smoke when Jeff wandered up and made us laugh. He also made us feel welcome, comfortable and filled us in on the scene. Little did I know that his roommate was the man of my dreams and Jeff would later produce two of my CDs, officiate my wedding, become a partner in business and be the truest, most real friend I’ve ever had. I can’t say enough about the dude. He’s rad.”
Cathryn Beeks

“I first saw this guy in Java Joe’s and at Mikey’s Live Coffee twenty years ago and he’s still changing my life. His steady calm and his razor wit are as inspirational as his songs and his passionate musicianship. Jeff’s busy mixing my next album and I am SO honored and happy to make music with him.”
Jeffrey Joe

“When I first got into the San Diego scene I saw Jeff from afar. He was San Diego folk scene God. I feel so privileged to have gotten to work on 3 albums with him. Never a dull moment and always a good laugh. He’s the man.”
Veronica May

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